Annuities, What Seniors Need to Know

14 How to File a Complaint Did someone sell you an inappropriate annuity—an annuity that was not right for your age, health, or financial situation? For example, it is inappropriate to sell a deferred annuity to someone who needs home health care and needs his or her money to pay for the care. Would you like to file a complaint against the agent or the insurance company? Ask if you can cancel the sale. You can talk to the agent’s branch manager or supervisor or to the insurance company. They may be able to cancel the sale if it was inappropriate. You can also file a complaint with the California Department of Insurance. To file a complaint or to ask any questions: • Call 1-800-927-4357 • Email us at (Click on Request for Assistance ) Find More Information • Talk to an insurance agent or company. • Talk with your financial advisor or attorney. • Visit your local library and ask for reference books on annuities. Securities and Exchange Commission This is a page of information and resources for seniors, including a link to an article on Variable Annuities: What You Should Know.