Small Business Guide To Commercial Insurance
4 Professional broker-agent associations can assist you in your search for a licensed commercial insurance broker-agent. The Insurance Brokers and Agents of the West (IBA West) and the Western Insurance Agents Association (WIAA Group) are professional associations that can assist you in contacting a commercial insurance broker-agent in your local area. Please see the “Resources” section of this brochure if you would like to contact the IBA West or the WIAA Group. Also, looking through the local yellow pages under the insurance section can aid you in locating the phone numbers for those broker-agents specializing in commercial insurance. What Should I Expect from a Broker-Agent Who Specializes in Commercial Insurance? When conducting your broker-agent search, it is important to verify the broker-agent’s insurance license with the California Department of Insurance (CDI). The CDI is responsible for licensing all broker-agents who sell or market insurance in California. A broker-agent is issued a fire and casualty license, which enables him/her to sell commercial property and casualty insurance. A fire and casualty broker-agent is required under Section 1725 of the California Insurance Code (CIC) to prominently display his/her license in his/her office. CIC 1725.5 further requires a licensee of the CDI to prominently print his/her license number on all business cards, written price quotations for insurance products, and print advertisements for insurance products distributed in California. Please see the “Talk to Us” section of this brochure for the many ways to contact the CDI to verify a broker-agent’s license.
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