Driving for Seniors

If You Cannot Afford Standard Auto Insurance California’ s Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program The law says that you must have auto liability insurance. However, if you are on a fixed income, it can be hard to pay the premium. This program helps income-eligible good drivers get insurance. The premium for liability insurance is under $650 a year, depending where you live. You may qualify for this program if you: • Meet the income eligibility requirements. • Own a vehicle valued at $25,000 or less. • A good driving record is defined as follows: You did not have more than one accident that was your fault. There was no injury or death in the accident. You had no more than one point for a felony or moving violation, such as speeding. • For more information, go to: www.mylowcostauto.com or call 1-866-602-8861. If You Have a High- Risk Driving Record The California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan (CAARP) If you have had several accidents or speeding tickets, you may not be able to find a company that will insure you. You can shop around, but be sure to compare costs and coverage carefully. You can also get liability insurance through the California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan (CAARP). For more information, call CAARP at 1-800-622-0954. Know your rights As a senior, you may experience pressure from insurance salesmen or agents. If you think you have been treated unfairly, call the California Department of Insurance at 1-800-927-4357. 7