Driving for Seniors

Do not hurry. • Drive at the posted speed limit, unless you should drive more slowly because of the weather, the traffic, or other conditions. • If you must drive more slowly, stay in the right lane. • Yield the right-of-way. Never insist on the right-of-way, even if you are correct. • Stay in your lane. Do not weave back and forth between lanes, straddle two lanes, or change lanes near intersections. • Park in lots or in spaces that are easy to get in and out of. Pull over and take breaks. • Pull over and stop if you need to look at a map or your GPS, or use your phone. • On long trips, take a break every 90 minutes. Stop for coffee or a meal. Take a walk. Or just get out and stretch. Choose a vehicle that is Comfortable for you to drive. Dropping into a low sports car and shifting through the gears may have been fun when you were younger. However, with age, these tasks are usually harder. When you shop for a car, look for: • Automatic transmission • Power steering • Power brakes • Side mirrors and window that let you see cars on both sides and behind you • Seats that are easy to adjust, so you can see clearly and use the foot pedals easily If you have special needs, ask your doctor about a referral to a physical therapist or a driving rehabilitation specialist. See the section on Assistive Devices on the next page. 11