Driving for Seniors

After Age 70 The DMV will not renew your license by mail after age 70. This does not mean there is anything wrong with your driving. The DMV just wants to make sure you can drive safely. You must pass a standard eye exam to renew your license. You may also have to take a written test or a driving test. Take a DMV Driver Reexamination. You can ask the DMV for a Driver Reexamination. A family member, friend, doctor, or police officer can also fill out a DMV Request for Driver Reexamination. The exam has a vision test. It also has a driving test, called the Supplemental Driving Performance Evaluation (SDPE) . During the driving test, an examiner rides in the car with you. The examiner notes any problems with your driving and discusses them with you after the test. If you pass the test, you can keep your drivers license. Before the test, you may want to take a mature driver improvement course—see page 9. Apply for a restricted license. If you do not pass the SDPE or the vision test, but the examiner thinks you are able to drive in a limited area, you can take the Area Driving Performance Evaluation (ADPE) test. The test will be on the streets you take to get to the places you need to go, like the grocery store or doctor’s office. If you pass this test, you will be given a restricted license. Many people drive with restrictions, like wearing prescription glasses, or • No freeway driving. • Driving only from sunrise to sunset (no night driving). • Driving only in one area or by one specific route. • Driving only with a special right side mirror. Be honest with yourself and the DMV. If you have had problems with driving, it is a good idea to talk openly with the DMV. The DMV is aware of the issues facing mature drivers, and their goal is to keep you licensed for as long as you are safe on the road. 15