Earthquake Insurance

11 Earthquake Retrofitting Retrofitting is making changes to increase the safety and strength of your home. This can help you save money on insurance and repairs. The cost of earthquake insurance is based on a number of things, such as the way the home is made and the kind of soil under it. The cost is usually higher for: • Older homes. • Homes built of brick or masonry. • Homes that have more than one story. • Homes that are on sandy soil instead of clay or rock. • Homes that are not up to code. What if my home is not up to code? Your insurance company must offer you earthquake insurance even if your property does not meet current Building Code and Health and Safety Code rules about bolting foundations and anchoring water heaters. But you may be charged a higher premium and/or deductible. You may get a discount if you retrofit. You may be able to reduce your premium or deductible by retrofitting to make your home safer and stronger. Your insurance company must tell you in writing about these discounts. Retrofitting can: • Reduce earthquake damage. • Reduce insurance costs. • Bring your home up to code.