Earthquake Insurance

17 Common Terms Additional living expenses (ALE) —Your extra costs when you have to live somewhere else while your area is evacuated or your home is repaired. Agent —A person who is paid by an insurance company to sell their insurance. The CDI licenses agents. Broker —A person who is paid by you to find insurance. The CDI licenses brokers. Claim —Your request to your insurance company to cover specific loss or damage. Claim adjuster —A person who works at your insurance company and is trained to examine your home for damage and loss and to estimate costs. Deductible —The part of your insured damages that you pay, before your insurance pays anything. See pages 4–5. Dwelling limit —The most your insurance will pay (minus the deductible) to repair or rebuild your dwelling. Premium —The yearly cost of buying earthquake insurance. Retrofitting —Changing your home to make it stronger and safer in an earthquake. See pages 8–9.