Earthquake Insurance

9 What Earthquake Insurance Does Not Cover All insurance policies have exclusions. These are the things the policy does not cover. Read your policy to learn about your exclusions. Common Earthquake Insurance Exclusions Common exclusions in earthquake insurance policies include: Fire Earthquake insurance usually does not cover anything that your homeowners policy already covers. For example, your homeowners policy covers fire damage, even if an earthquake causes the fire. Therefore, your earthquake policy does not cover fire damage. Land Usually, earthquake insurance does not cover damage to your land, such as sinkholes from erosion or other hidden openings under your land. You may be able to buy limited additional coverage to restore or stabilize land. Vehicles Earthquake insurance does not cover damage to your vehicles. Check your auto insurance policy to find out if it covers that damage. Flood Earthquake insurance does not cover water damage from outside your home, such as sewer or drain back-up, flood, or tsunami. For example, if you live near a lake that floods your home after an earthquake, earthquake insurance will not pay to repair the damage. A flood insurance policy will cover you.