Health Care Providers Guide

3 For a list of health insurance companies regulated by the Department of Insurance, visit our Web site at: . For a list of the HMOs and other health care service plans regulated by the Department of Managed Health Care, please visit the DMHC Web site, as shown above. The California Department of Insurance does not regulate self-insured health plans, even in cases where the plan is administered by a health insurance company. Most self-insured private employer health plans fall under the jurisdiction of Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). ERISA is federal law that is enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration (DOL-EBSA). If you have a complaint against a self-insured health plan through an employer, or union, then contact the DOL-EBSA for assistance at 1-866-275-7922 or you can visit their Web site at: . However, the DOL-EBSA does not regulate self-insured health plans that are sponsored through school districts, other municipalities or churches. If the insured is a member of this type of plan, he/she can file a complaint with the plan directly or may seek a legal remedy through a court of law.