Health Insurance
11 Group Health Insurance Most people in California get group health insurance through a job. This is also called employee coverage. Employers with 100 employees buy large-group policies, and those with fewer than 100 buy small-group policies. In most cases, group insurance is better than individual insurance. It gives you more benefits at a lower cost. • Your employer may offer one group policy, or several choices. • You may pay part of your premium. • You may pay all of the premiums for your dependents. • Most group policies must cover the basic services listed on page 6. Self-insured plans do not have to cover all these services. • Group policies must cover care for pregnancy and delivery, whether you are pregnant when you join or become pregnant after you join. Pre-existing conditions: A pre-existing condition is a health condition you had before you enrolled in health insurance. Insurers cannot deny or limit your coverage for this reason. Waiting periods: When you start a job, employers can have waiting periods of up to 90 days before your health insurance begins. During this time, you do not pay premiums or get any health care services from your employer. For more information on your group insurance, see your Human Resources department or ask for an insurance handbook.
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