The Independent Medical Review Program

8 Submitting, being approved for, or participating in an IMRdoes not prevent you from seeking other legal resolution to your dispute. However, if you decide not to participate in an IMR, you may waive any right you have to pursue legal action against your insurance company in the future regarding the contested health care service. You may wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter. All medical records are confidential throughout the IMR process. The confidentiality of medical records and review materials is subject to all applicable state and federal laws To request an IMR it is necessary for you to send in the IMR application that your insurance company is required to enclose with its denial letter. If you have questions or concerns regarding the application, the IMR process, or you have not received an application from your insurance company, then you may reach the CDI by phone, mail, or e-mail. Please see the last page of this brochure for specific CDI contact information. Does Independent Medical Review participation prevent future legal action? Are medical records kept confidential in the Independent medical review process? How do I request an Independent Medical Review from the CDI?