Residential Insurance Home-Renters

33 Residential Insurance: Homeowners and Renters • • Do not sign any broker fee agreement unless all of its blank lines and spaces have been filled-in and you have read this entire document and the agreement carefully. • • Your insurance broker represents you, the consumer, and is entitled to charge a broker fee if he/she chooses. This fee is not set by law, and may be negotiable be- tween you and the broker. • It is illegal or improper for an insurance broker to charge you a fee for placing coverage solely with the California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan or the California FAIR Plan. Fees may be charged for placement of other coverages. • Broker fees are often non-refundable even if you cancel your coverage. Refer to your broker fee agreement to see if your broker fee is non-refundable. However, you may be entitled to a full refund of a broker fee if your broker actedincompetentlyordishonestly. Unresolveddisputes over non-refunded broker fees can be forwarded to the Department of Insurance for review. • You are entitled to obtain and keep a completed copy of this disclosure and any broker fee agreement you sign. • Your broker may receive commission from insur- ance company(ies) for placing your insurance. This commission may be paid to your broker by the insurance company(ies) in addition to any broker fee you pay.