Residential Insurance

State of California Department of Insurance 25 • Ask the broker or agent to explain any wording you think is ambiguous . • If you get a nonrenewal notice contact your insurer and ask if there are any specific actions you can take to mitigate your risk and retain coverage. • Keep an inventory of personal property, listing all of the items you own, the dates purchased, and the price. If possible, take pictures of important and valuable items. You may want to videotape your home and possessions as well. Keep these records in a safe place away from home, preferably in a safe-deposit box. Also, periodically update your inventory, appraisals, photos, and videotape. This will help you to file and settle a claim quickly and efficiently. A home Inventory Guide is available to all consumers from the CDI by calling 800-927-4357 or downloading it from our website. • The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) is an emergency response and resource protection agency that provides education material and helpful tools to assist in safeguarding your home and reducing the economical damage of fire. Cal Fire provides the Homeowners Checklist , a helpful fire safety tool for use inside and outside your home. The Homeowners Checklist can be found on their website at: .