Residential Insurance
State of California Department of Insurance The premiums charged for homeowners and renters insurance vary widely from company to company, so it pays to take the time and effort to shop around in order to get the best value for your insurance dollar. The cost of homeowners and renters insurance depends on a number of factors such as location, local fire protection, age and construction of building, choice of deductibles , application of discounts and the scope and amount of insurance coverage you purchase. Under California law, each insurance company calculates its own rates, subject to California Department of Insurance (CDI) approval. Since each company’s loss experience differs, the rates will differ as well. It is wise when shopping to review and compare all quotations to determine if the coverage, deductibles, and limits are similar to each other. Make a list of what is important to you and be sure to discuss it with the agent. To help find competitive rates the CDI is pleased to offer online premium comparisons that cover over 90% of California’s homeowners and renters insurance market. You can receive these comparisons via the CDI Web site at, or by calling the CDI Hotline at 1-800-927-4357. Getting theMost for Your Insurance Dollar 5
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