Residential Property Claims Guide

11 The regulations specify time deadlines within which insurers must acknowledge, evaluate, make and communicate decisions on claims, and pay claims. They also restrict the information that can be demanded from a claimant to information that is reasonably necessary in making a claim determination. The regulations provide that a denial of a claim must be in writing, with specified reasons for the denial, andmust include a notification that if the claimant believes the claim to have been wrongfully denied, the matter may be reviewed by the Department of Insurance. • Talk to the Claims Manager Do not hesitate to contact the claims manager to explain your concerns about the claims settlement if you do not agree with the settlement offer and have given the claims adjuster the opportunity to respond to your questions. Provide copies of supporting documents. Contact the California Department of Insurance Hotline at 1-800-927-4357 The Hotline is responsible for educating thousands of callers about the Department of Insurance’s regulatory responsibilities and for providing information regarding insurance matters. The Hotline is staffed with insurance professionals with the expertise to handle a variety of insurance issues and complaints.