Title Insurance
19 10. How do I receive my payments? For adjustable interest rate mortgages, you can select one of the following payment plans: • Tenure- equal monthly payments as long as at least one borrower lives and continues to occupy the property as a principal residence. • Term- equal monthly payments for a fixed period of months selected. • Line of Credit- unscheduled payments or in installments, at times and in an amount of your choosing until the line of credit is exhausted. • ModifiedTenure- combinationof line of credit and scheduled monthly payments for as long as you remain in the home. • • Modified Term- combination of line of credit plus monthly paymentsforafixedperiodofmonthsselectedbytheborrower. For fixed interest rate mortgages, you will receive the Single Dis- bursement Lump Sum payment plan. Single Disbursement Lump Sum - a single lump sum disbursement at mortgage closing.
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