Worker's Compensation Insurance

15 What Is the Uninsured Employers Fund and the Subsequent Injuries Fund? When a work-related injury or illness occurs to an employee, and the employer is unlawfully uninsured for workers’ compensation, the employee can file a claim with the Uninsured Employers’ Benefit Trust Fund (UEBTF). The (UEBTF) steps in and handles workers’ compensation claims when the employer has no insurance or has failed to pay or post a bond in order to pay the compensation owed to the injured worker. The UEBTF will attempt to recover the amounts paid on behalf of an uninsured employer. Please see the “Resources” section of this brochure for contact information regarding the UEBTF. An employee who has a previous permanent disability or impairment and suffers a subsequent workplace injury or illness may be eligible to receive additional compensation from the Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund (SIBTF). The combined permanent disability must be at least 70 percent to qualify and additional eligibility requirements must be met. It is important to note that employers are not liable under workers’ compensation law for the combined disability of an injured worker if part of the injury is due to non-industrial factors. An employer is only liable for that portion of compensation that is owed to the worker from the later work-related (not previous) injury. For further information on the SIBTF, see the contact information located in the “Resources” section of this brochure.