Quick Guide - Other License Classes
The licenses that are issued, maintained, and updated by the California Department of Insurance's Producer Licensing Bureau are listed on the following link: Producer Licensing Requirements. Each link to a specific license class states how the applicant may obtain the license and how the licensee is to maintain that license. These web pages also include links to the applicable forms, continuing education requirements, and the license renewal information for that license class.
How do I apply for and renew an individual bail agent, bail permittee, bail solicitor license, or a bail corporation/agency?
For information on an individual bail agent, please select the following link for the applicable forms, qualifications, filing/renewal requirements, fees, and additional information: Bail Agent
For information on a bail permitee, please select the following link for the applicable forms, qualifications, filing/renewal requirements, fees, and additional information: Bail Permittee
For information on a bail solicitor, please select the following link for the applicable forms, qualifications, filing/renewal requirements, fees, and additional information: Bail Solicitor
For information on a bail corporation/agency, please select the following link for the applicable forms, qualifications, filing/renewal requirements, fees, and additional information: Bail Corporation/Agency
The application has background questions and I'm not sure how to answer the questions. What should I do?
Please select the following link for specific instructions on answering the background questions on your application: Application Disclosures
What do I do if I have been convicted of a felony for crimes of dishonesty, breach of trust in a state or federal jurisdiction or have been convicted of any violation of Title 18 U.S.C.§ 1033 (the "Act").
If this situation applies to you, please select the following link and carefully read the information to determine if you are going to proceed with the application process: 1033 Consent
What if there is a change in my background information?
California Insurance Code (Cal. Ins. Code) Section 1729.2 requires insurance producer applicants and licensees to notify the Insurance Commissioner in writing, within 30 days, of changes in background information after an application has been submitted or a license has been issued. Please select the following link for specific information: Background Reporting Requirements
Does CDI have fingerprint requirements?
California residents must be fingerprinted before they are issued a license. Please select the following link for more information: Resident Applicants
Why is it taking so long for my fingerprint results?
CDI has no control over the time it takes to receive fingerprint results from the California Department of Justice (DOJ) or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). According to the DOJ website some transactions require manual intervention as opposed to being processed automatically. Therefore, the fingerprint results will be delayed. The need for manual intervention can be caused by many factors, some requiring multiple activities to be resolved. When manual review is required, a "delay" notice is sent to CDI. The next communiqué to be received by CDI is the completed response from DOJ and/or FBI. Also, DOJ will not respond to questions or status inquiries related to delayed results as there is no pertinent information that can be statutorily provided until the manual review of the transaction is complete. Delayed results are considered in process and, as such, no further information is available until the completed results are sent to CDI. For more information on DOJ fingerprint issues, please select the following link: DOJ Fingerprint Information
Does CDI have prelicensing education requirements for bail agents, bail permittees and bail solicitors?
Bail agents, bail permittees and bail solicitors are required to complete 20 hours of prelicensing education.
How do I find a prelicensing education provider?
CDI cannot recommend a specific education provider. However, CDI has a Locating Provider online service that you can use to locate a CDI certified provider. Please select the following link if you would like to search prelicensing providers: Search Prelicensing Providers
How do I sign up to take the examination?
CDI has contracted with PSI Services, LLC, a nationwide license examination vendor, to schedule and administer the licensing examinations. Please select the following link for information on scheduling your examination: License Examinations
How do I print or download my license?
If you would like to download your license, please select the following link and follow the instructions: Download and Print License
How much continuing education do I need to renew my license?
Bail agents, bail permittee's and bail solicitors are required to complete 12 hours of continuing education in the two year licensing cycle.
How do I find a continuing education provider?
CDI cannot recommend a specific education provider. However, CDI has a Locating Provider online service that you can use to locate a CDI certified provider. Please select the following link if you would like to search continuing education providers: Search Continuing Education Providers
Why am I unable to renew my license online?
Any Bail licensees that do not renew their license by the license expiration date will be required to refile for the license with a new application, appointments and pay double the filing fee. "Late" is defined as any renewal for which the requirements to renew (including completing the continuing education hours) are not met until after the expiration date of the previous license term.
How do I apply for an Independent Insurance Adjuster License?
Please select the following link for complete information on how to become an Independent Insurance Adjuster and how to maintain that license. This link also includes links to the applicable forms, continuing education requirements and license renewal information: Independent Insurance Adjuster Information
How do I apply for a Public Insurance Adjuster License?
Please select the following link for complete information on how to become a Public Adjuster and how to maintain that license. This link also includes links to the applicable forms, continuing education requirements and license renewal information: Public Insurance Adjuster Information
The application has background questions and I'm not sure how to answer the questions. What should I do?
Please select the following link for specific instructions on answering the background questions on your application: Application Disclosures
What do I do if I have been convicted of a felony for crimes of dishonesty, breach of trust in a state or federal jurisdiction or have been convicted of any violation of Title 18 U.S.C.§ 1033 (the "Act").
If this situation applies to you, please select the following link and carefully read the information to determine if you are going to proceed with the application process: 1033 Consent
What if there is a change in my background information?
Cal. Ins. Code Section 1729.2 requires insurance producer applicants and licensees to notify the Insurance Commissioner in writing, within 30 days, of changes in background information after an application has been submitted or a license has been issued. Please select the following link for specific information: Background Reporting Requirements
Does CDI have fingerprint requirements?
California residents must be fingerprinted before they are issued a license. There are fingerprint requirements for non-residents who were not fingerprinted as a condition of obtaining an insurance producer license in their resident state. Please select the following link below that best describes your situation:
Why is it taking so long for my fingerprint results?
CDI has no control over the time it takes to receive fingerprint results back from the California Department of Justice (DOJ) or the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). According to the DOJ website, some transactions require manual intervention as opposed to being processed automatically. Therefore, the fingerprint results will be delayed. The need for manual intervention can be caused by many factors, some requiring multiple activities to be resolved. When manual review is required, a "delay" notice is sent to CDI. The next communiqué to be received by CDI is the completed fingerprint results from DOJ and/or FBI. Also, DOJ will not respond to questions or status inquiries related to delayed transactions as there is no pertinent information that can be statutorily provided until the manual review of the transaction is complete. Delayed transactions are considered in process, and, as such, no further information is available until the results are sent to CDI. For more information on DOJ fingerprint issues, please select the following link: DOJ Fingerprint Information
Are there any prelicensing requirements for an Independent Insurance Adjuster?
No, there are no prelicensing requirements for an Independent Insurance Adjuster. However, CDI developed examination objectives as a study guide to assist in preparation for the examination. Please select the following link to download the examination objectives: Insurance Adjuster Examination Objectives
Is there an examination for an Independent Insurance Adjuster?
Yes, the person in charge of the business (qualified manager) must pass a qualifying license examination. CDI has contracted with PSI Services, LLC, a nationwide license examination vendor, to schedule and administer the licensing examinations. Please select the following link for information on scheduling an examination: License Examinations
Is there an examination for a Public Insurance Adjuster?
Yes, both resident and non-resident applicants must pass the qualifying license examination. CDI has contracted with PSI Services, LLC, a nationwide license examination vendor, to schedule and administer the licensing examination. Please select the following link for information on scheduling an examination: License Examinations