Initiatives To Reduce Producer Fraud
In order to reduce incidents involving producer fraud, the Investigation Division has implemented the following:
Established quality control measures at the regional level to ensure compliance of Division policies and procedures designed to improve efficiency and increase productivity.
Established the Investigation Division Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) to work in conjunction with other CDI divisions and allied law enforcement agencies to proactively respond to disasters or other emergencies statewide affecting enforcement operations.
Continuous collaboration with CDI's legal division to ensure Department licensees are transacting insurance in accordance with state regulations, and pursue administrative discipline, when appropriate, to remove bad actors from the industry.
Enhanced Investigation Division Case Management (IDCM) database to identify suspects and their victims, develop victim impact information, and track patterns of non-compliance by individuals and entities involved in the business of insurance.
Established the Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Program (LACPP) to provide funding for district attorneys to prosecute bad actors involved in life insurance and annuity fraud schemes targeting consumers, in particular seniors.
Ongoing development of legislative proposals to strengthen laws governing the transaction of insurance and the enforcement of those laws.
Ongoing outreach to industry associations, consumer groups and allied law enforcement agencies.
Company and Agent/Broker Information
The links on the Company and Agent/Broker Information page are designed to provide you with information on insurance companies, agents and brokers doing business in California. You can conduct a search on license status, obtain a list of insurance companies, review complaint studies and enforcement actions, as well as review rate filings and overall performance.